The Upper Echo Lake Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project: A Photo Essay

Dry chaparral piles in November 2013, just a month after cutting. They remain in place, others are scattered 18 months later.
Large shrub pile pulled from the base of two hundred-year-old Jeffery pine, stacked to create a potential fuel ladder. Material remains in place 18 months later.
Another view of the same damaged chaparral stand from May 2014 showing a pile of flammable material where it cannot be safely burned.
Huckleberry oak and lodgepole pine slash piled in wetland seep (May

Chaparral slash piled on meadow in foreground. The material was dragged from the middle ground in the photo, leaving soils fully exposed.
In spring 2015, a pile of chaparral creating a localized fire hazard where none previously existed.


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